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ExpatTech Techblog

Nagy Richárd 2008.10.22. 16:35

About the

A lot of times you might run into using this bloody Javascript function. For example when you are replacing target="_blank"-s for the sake of XHTML Strict valid markup (like in Varga Bence's solution - Hungarian). Not like on this blog site, which is HTML 4 Transitional.

Here is the way it is to be used., WindowName[, WindowFeatures]);

Not much to say about URL (well, it is a string and it can be blank). You can use WindowName (string) to refer to the window later, also if you call with the same WindowName several times, it will open a new window only for the first time and use the same window for the other calls.

WindowFeatures (string, format: "featurex=n, featurey=m, ...", I only list those that are widely supported):

  • status: displays status bar if 1, does not if 0
  • toolbar: displays browser toolbar (Back, Forward, etc.) if 1, does not if 0
  • location: displays location field (where you enter the URL) if 1, does not if 0
  • menubar: displays browser menu bar if 1, does not if 0
  • directories: displays directory buttons (like annoying What's New and What's Cool) if 1, does not if 0
  • resizable: window is resizable if 1, is not if 0
  • scrollbars: no scrollbars if 0, scrollbars when needed if 1
  • height, width: window dimensions in pixels

The WindowFeatures you do not specify will follow the default browser behavior (if you do not specify any, a standard window is opened).

The function returns an object reference which you can pass to a variable and use it to refer the window later (move the window, write to the window, etc.).

var"", "bazevaze");
makimajon.moveTo(100, 50);

Mozilla Reference - here you can also find a nice list about which WindowFeatures are supported in certain browsers

Microsoft Reference