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Flash Development

Types of Flash Development

Flash Animation:  Although Flash animation can’t really be called “Flash Development”, it’s, nevertheless, one of the main solutions that is possible with Flash.  Our Flash experts can provide animation ranging from cartoons, animated commercials, banner ads, or simple slideshows.  All of which are further discussed on our Design Services menu under Flash Banners and Animation & Cartooning.

Flash Development:  True Flash development involves actionscript (AS2/AS3) coding.  Our Flash developers can provide Flash solutions that can enhance the functionality and user experience on your website.  Our Flash components can fully integrate with your database and other HTML/AJAX webpages.

Flash Server:  Sometimes, Flash solutions call for more than just client-side development.  Applications like chat engines and other communication solutions that involve connecting user sessions in real time often need server-side Flash development.  Products like Red5 and Adobe Flash Media Server enable our developers to extend build robust Flash applications for the web.

Flash Games: Flash is also the dominate medium for Flash games.  Our company has all the resources to make your game idea come to life.  We’re able to provide the underlying Flash coding as well as all features needed for the full gaming experience such as artwork and animation, video production, original music, as well as hosting.  We can even help you sell your game to an online distribution company if desired.

If you would like us to provide a quote for your Flash project, please use our price quote form.

Flash Solution Examples

Here are a few of the solutions that typify what our Flash development team can do for your company.

Graphing:  With our Flash graphing solutions, we’re able to provide real-time and database driven graphing for stock and commodity prices and any other statistical data that may need visual representation.

Animation:  We’ve developed a fully functional online animation system called EASY Animation System.  With EASY anyone can produce rich animations without learning curve that most professional animations suites require.  Our animation solutions can also be applied for business purposes such as the creation of online PowerPoint-like presentations.

Virtual Galleries:  Flash has also allowed us to produce several flavors of online art galleries.   These virtual art galleries add a dimension to the presentation of any collection by encouraging customer interaction and by utilizing the stunning visual effects for which Flash is known.

Sound Recorder:  For a language school, we developed a web-based Flash sound recorder as part of the elearning website that we built for them.  Our sound recorder enables students to record themselves over the internet.  These speaking exercises can then be accessed and graded by a teacher at a later time.  There are only a few online sound recording programs in the world and most of them are privately held by speech therapy institutions.  Our speech recording program is a great example of how server based Flash can overcome the challenges put forth by projectslike language learning on the web.

File Uploader:  Any PHP developer knows that uploading folders just isn’t possible.   That’s why we built our Flash powered Super File Uploader which allows users to upload bulk files and folders.  The uploader can also be configured to resize images before uploading which makes for faster uploads and quicker page loads once the images are used.  Our Super File Uploader is an integral part of our Image Library, File Library, and Szajko CMS.

Image Editor:  With our Flash based Image Editor, images can be manipulated within a web environment.  The editor supports cropping, flipping, rotating, resizing, and adjustment of all filter values such as hue, contrast, brightness, saturation, etc…  What’s more,  since the editor performs all editing on the client side, server resources are not taxed and resizing can be done before uploading which helps with bandwidth and data transfer quotas.

Flash Communications:  With our Flash Chat engine, it’s possible to add real-time support and communications to your website.  Anything from traditional text chat, to voice chat (VOIP), and even video chat is possible.

Desktop Applications:  Although Flash is most commonly used for web-based solutions, it can also be used for creating desktop applications.  If part of your project requires a desktop app (especially one that integrates with a web app) then Flash is a viable option.

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