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ExpatTech Techblog

Peter Todd 2009.10.26. 13:37

Flash Cookbook - Appendix - Rounding

There came a big question with my brilliant collegue (Richárd Nagy 'Kapa' programmer). How to write a function what rounds our integer to the closest number, dividable by 5.

Of course as true and tricky (tt) programmers we immediately have to think about dividable by any given k integer.

Let' see our beauty:

var n:Number = 24;
var k:Number = 7;

n = n % k == 0 ? n : n % k >= k / 2 ? n - (n % k) + k : n - (n % k);


Note % means modulo and the structure

                  m = m == 0 ?  0 : 1

can be writtean as

                  if(m == 0)  m = 0 else m = 1

The given numbers above (n=24, k=7) give the result 21.