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ExpatTech Techblog

Peter Todd 2010.09.23. 14:43

Flash Cookbook - XML - Practical XML

In Flash AS3, working with xml is really easy.

var xml:XML = <data></data>;

Tadaa, your xml is ready to fight.


How to add an element? Good. But useless question, there is a method for this (xml.appendChild(object)).


How to remove an element? And yes, YES, this is the good question. Let's say you have an xml with three chilren of the same name:

var xml:XML = <data><obj>1</obj><obj>2</obj><obj>3</obj></data>;

and you want to delete a child of the xml. Then comes the good old delete command

delete xml["obj"][0] //for deleting the first child

and so

delete xml["obj"] //to delete all the children with the name attribute "obj"