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Peter Todd

Peter Todd
Eddigi munkák BangaBuddy CabMedia Weboldal Dover E-learning Horoszcoop Weboldal
Blogbejegyzések SVG Graphics and generating them Trick for creating a list of your files Flash Cookbook - Tricks - Conditional chains Flash Cookbook - Tricks - Shortening code Flash Cookbook - Tricks - Reach property of subclass from baseclass, crosslinking Flash Cookbook - Tricks - GetDefinitionByName Flash Cookbook - CSS - CSS parser, parsing CSS StyleSheet and Style Blog Weekend - Mind experiment with a javascript prime checker and distributed computing Browser bookmark containing javascript Google Chrome Extensions - The first steps Flash Cookbook - Tricks - Super size bitmap, bitmapdata, infinite size Flash Cookbook - Tricks - Store data in bytearray and compress it Flash Cookbook - Colors - Part 2. Invert Displayobject's Colors Flash Cookbook - Appendix - Practical XML - Something to know Flash Cookbook - Colors - Part 1. Grayscale Displayobjects Flash Cookbook - Colors - Colors, R, G, B, and alpha, hex and dec, RGB, ARGB Flash Cookbook - Appendix - Sort array indices Fun with Random - Part 2. Fun with Random - Part 1. Flash Cookbook - XML - Practical XML Flash Cookbook - Tricks - Realistic Drag Simulation Flash Cookbook - CSS - Use CSS to design flash Flash Cookbook - Tricks - Global functions Flash Cookbook - Tricks - Global variables Flash Cookbook - Appendix - Throwing errors Flash Cookbook - Optimisation - Number types used for loops Flash Cookbook - Geometry - Fine tuning Point class Part 3. Angle. Flash Cookbook - Geometry - Fine tuning Point class Part 2. Length. Flash Cookbook - Geometry - Fine tuning Point class Part 1. Distance. Flash Cookbook - Tricks - SharedObject with expiration Flash Cookbook - Colors - brightness of movieclip Flash Cookbook - Tricks - Additive inverse if origo is not zero Flash Cookbook - Appendix - Rounding Flash Cookbook - Appendix - universal rounding Flash Cookbook - Appendix - optimizing flash code Part 3 - calculating distance between two points Flash Cookbook - Appendix - practical tips for Adobe Flash Flash Cookbook - Optimisation - optimizing flash code Part 2 - fast sine function Flash Cookbook - Optimisation - optimizing flash code Part 1. Flash Cookbook - Appendix - wmode Bug in Flash Player - Solution 1. Flash Cookbook - Appendix - Bug in Flash Player Flash Cookbook - Tricks - untyped function in Flash AS3 Flash Cookbook - Tricks - version detection with Flash AS2 Win XP - Add element to Start Menu Flash Cookbook - Events - custom events in Flash AS3
Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania
Beszélt nyelvek:
Magyar, Angol
zene, számítógép
  • Kliensoldali Flash Actionscript 2.0 és 3.0 programozás
  • Szerveroldali Java és Flash-el kapcsolatos technológiák